Prison Fellowship is the largest Christian nonprofit out reach to prisoners, former prisoners, and their families. Founded in 1976, this program brings restoration to those affected by crime and incarceration in all 50 states by facilitating prisoners' transformation, supporting prisoners' families and returning citizens, and advocating for a criminal justice system that reflects the God-given dignity and potential of each life.
Here is a teaser look at the project.
Carol Vance Unit, Sugarland, Texas.
The Interchange Freedom Initiative at the Carole Vance Unit, Sugarland, Texas. The IFI program of Prison Fellowship is a model for intensive transformational programs around the country. At IFI, groups of 45 - 60 men voluntarily transfer to the Carole Vance Unit for an 18-month 24/7 holistic transformation process. There are usually four or five groups progressing through the program at a given time, for a total of about 280 - 300 men in the unit. A key feature of the program is the high number of engage volunteers to teach classes and mentor the men. The IFI program has been studied and proven to reduce recidivism by 8%.
There are 2.2 million men and women in prison in the U.S. Each Year, over 600,000 get released and return to communities around the country. Will their prison experience make them better neighbors?
Crain Unit, Gatesville, Texas
The Crain Unit at the women's prison in Gatesville, Texas, features a faith-based dorm were 35 to 40 women live and work through an intensive transformational program together for 12 months, with the expectation that most of the women will complete their sentences and be released soon after the programs. Prison Fellowship-trained volunteers from First Baptist Church, Dallas, visit this dorm once a week, sometimes more, to teach the TUMI in-prison seminary course, which helps the women develop a much greater knowledge and understanding of who God is, Who they are, and how biblical principles can guide them both inside and outside the prison.