The Eddie Adams Workshop (EAW) is an intense four-day gathering of the top photography professionals, along with 100 carefully selected students. The photography workshop is tuition free, and the 100 students are chosen based on the merit of their portfolios. I was so blessed to attend the Eddie Adams Workshop as a student in 2002 after meeting Mr. Eddie Adams earlier that year in Afghanistan. If you are serious about photography you NEED to attend this workshop!
This is how my meeting with Eddie all went down: I received a phone call from a mentor of mine asking me to meet and assist Mr. Eddie Adams on an assignment he was covering. He was coming to Afghanistan to put a face on the American soldier. We had a great couple days of shooting. I was taking meter readings and holding reflectors, he was killing it, and I was watching/learning from his every move!
On the last night, I asked him about his workshop and if he would mind looking over the portfolio I was submitting. This is what he replied, “Kid, I don’t look at that shit, that’s why I have people, they look at it! Send it in. Good luck!” I did make the cut to the workshop! This experience has changed my life and continues to do so. I have been fortunate enough to be asked back a couple times as part of the faculty as a member of the “Black Team”. My last two times back at the workshop; I was asked to be the workshop photographer. I can’t begin to tell you how nervous one becomes when faced with photographing the industry leaders, my idols!
This year I decided to set up a small studio using the Profoto B1 Off-camera flash in a barn silo and invite the faculty in for a portrait session. In every milestone you achieve in life, there are people you surround yourself with to help you attain your success. I definitely could not have made my vision happen without the assistance of one of my best friends and Air Force photojournalists, Bennie Davis. And, we could not have achieved this without the great teachings from Profoto’s own Cliff Hausner. Thanks guys!!!

1. Charlie Mostoller, Freelance – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Thomas Achtemichuk – Software Engineer, Boston, Massachusetts. Alyssa Adams – EAW Director, New York. Erika Larsen – Photographer, New York. Tim Rasmussen – AME of Photography, The Denver Post, Colorado. Alice Keeney – Alice Keeney Photography, Charleston, South Carolina.

Lucas Jackson – Reuters Photographer, New York. Barbara Davidson – Photographer, The Los Angeles Times, California. Scott Allen – U.S. Navy Retired/Director, Media Relations U.S., Illinois. Rodrigo Abd, Photographer – Associated Press, Lima, Peru. Smita Sharma – Freelance Photojournalist, NewYork. John White – Visual Servant, Chicago, Illinois.

Majat Naba – Photographer, New York. James Nachtwey – Photographer, New York. Eugene Richards and wife Janine – Photographer, New York. Nick Ut – Associated Press, Los Angeles, California. Jean Heary, Gregory Heisler – Photographer, New York.
Here is what some of participants and volunteers have to say about the Workshop: “There are no other days in the year where a free flow of ideas, mutual encouragement from all participants for the purpose of making meaningful images, in an atmosphere of phenomenal energy, exists in the world of photography quite like that which occurs at The Eddie Adams Workshop each Fall.” – Howard Schatz
“The EAW was one of those rare defining moments that shaped my career as a photographer forever.” – Alana Goldstein, XXII
“No sleep, no time, no room for failure. The Workshop separates out the photographers who have what it takes to succeed.” – David Griffin, Visuals Editor, Washington Post
“It was a place to make lifelong friendships and connections. An incredible experience that goes beyond the ‘photo’ in journalism, and a must for any inspiring photographer.” – Afton Almaraz, XXI
“The Eddie Adams workshop is an incredibly enlightening experience, the amount of raw talent that surrounds you is amazing.” – Colin Crawford, Deputy Managing Editor, Visuals, Los Angeles Times
For more information on the Eddie Adams Workshop: